Cloudy Everland

April 16, 2023

Saturday was a good day but rainy. I have a photo below of Mason’s grandmother standard breakfast, so we can remember it. Mason and I hung out at Daerim and I cooked chicken breast, a little harder than I expected. Of course, we had beef and pork BBQ at Mason’s grandparent’s house before going to bed.

Sunday was Everland, with Yun Woo, Son Woo, Grandma, Jae Hyung and me. It was cold, cloudy and a little windy. Plus, I hurt my big toe again, so limping around an amusement park all day was probably not the best idea. I bought Mason a shark hat upon entry and Yun Woo was promised a princess dress on departure, but she was asleep at that point, so that never materialized.

Amazon Express was the highlight of the day, as all 6 of us got to ride together – although only me and Mason got wet. JH bought lunch – some sort of fried chicken package and I bought the 3 of us Erdingers later in the afternoon. It rained briefly and we sought refuge in a huge fake tree. Mason was scared to ride the pirate ship at first but quickly built up the courage to do it. Mario cart in the arcade was hard to drag Mason away from.

When we saw the log ride on our way out of the park, I said to Mason, “maybe you will be ready for that next year”, he replied, “maybe never.” He is witty.

Harmony’s Breakfast
Near the Tiger
Not sure what is so interesting
Grandson and Grandma

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