Mason’s 5th Birthday

April 23, 2023

Mason’s birthday weekend! 

On Saturday we made our spring trip to the dinosaur park. It was a nice day to be there, not too crowded and not too hot. The spinning bumper car (has nothing to do with dinos) was probably Mason’s favorite – a family even paid for Mason’s second ride because they wanted their son to be able to ride with Mason. I think they were Korean-American because the son only spoke English. We stopped on the way home to buy my birthday gift to Mason (Bowser and Mario).

Unfortunately, later in the day, Mason said he was cold and had a headache – not too long after a fever and Tylenol. 

On Sunday morning, we (JK, HK, HK’s dad and me) played golf at the “The Ban” – HK’s first round ever and my first in almost 10 years. HK killed it for a beginner had some incredible shots. The caddie marked me as a 98, but she was being kind, it was more like a 110 I think, but I did legitimately par one hole.

That afternoon we had Mason’s party at SaDongRhee and he had recovered or at least Tylenol got us close. He has an ice cream cake and got some cool gifts. We drove back to Seoul at 10pm. Mason slept the whole way home.

we’re here!
the excitment
this thing was fast
go HK
car wash fun
happy birthday mason

Cloudy Everland

April 16, 2023

Saturday was a good day but rainy. I have a photo below of Mason’s grandmother standard breakfast, so we can remember it. Mason and I hung out at Daerim and I cooked chicken breast, a little harder than I expected. Of course, we had beef and pork BBQ at Mason’s grandparent’s house before going to bed.

Sunday was Everland, with Yun Woo, Son Woo, Grandma, Jae Hyung and me. It was cold, cloudy and a little windy. Plus, I hurt my big toe again, so limping around an amusement park all day was probably not the best idea. I bought Mason a shark hat upon entry and Yun Woo was promised a princess dress on departure, but she was asleep at that point, so that never materialized.

Amazon Express was the highlight of the day, as all 6 of us got to ride together – although only me and Mason got wet. JH bought lunch – some sort of fried chicken package and I bought the 3 of us Erdingers later in the afternoon. It rained briefly and we sought refuge in a huge fake tree. Mason was scared to ride the pirate ship at first but quickly built up the courage to do it. Mario cart in the arcade was hard to drag Mason away from.

When we saw the log ride on our way out of the park, I said to Mason, “maybe you will be ready for that next year”, he replied, “maybe never.” He is witty.

Harmony’s Breakfast
Near the Tiger
Not sure what is so interesting
Grandson and Grandma

Start of Spring

April 10, 2023

Saturday was full of acitivties, a morning swim in Eechon and then ice skating in Bundang in the afternoon. I found out I can still skate. Unfortunately, Mason got ended up with a fever when he went to bed, so maybe we went a little too hard.

Although Mason had fully recovered by Sunday morning, so we were able to hit the golf practice center near his school, La Grilla for lunch and a playground with HK. Also got the chance to clean up the bedroom.

after swim – good but slow
lil master
with coach
playgound after golf
great day
dad work
after skating in bundang

Safety Glasses

February 11 & 18, 2023

Mason was lucky enough to get another present from his Grandma, a dinosaur digging kit. And in that kit, were the infamous safety glasses that went on and have rarely come off since.

Note: this post is for 2 weekends, and during that span, Mason and his safety glasses have been inseparable, even when sleeping.

They were worn throughout our day trip the East Coast of Korea with his grandparents and cousins, and as we made our way via his Grandpa’s van to Kim Il Sung’s old vacation home and the nearby raw seafood restaurant we ate at. Not to mention, the lunch stop along the way, and all the way through to his Great Grandmother’s 91st birthday bash at a ribs restaurant the following weekend.

He was safe that entire time.

no glasses in NK

lunch on the way east

yunwoo not interested in photo
best raw fish
outside ribs joint
inside ribs joint
great grandma first to arrive
brothers & sisters
glasses needed when eating properly
hockey break on Sunday
samgyup with mom had a fun greenhouse attached

Food, Food, Food

January 29, 2023

It has certainly been a while. I planned on posting for Christmas, but Mason was sick Christmas morning. He had a fever and we literally had to help him unwrap his gifts. 

This winter has been brutally cold, so we have spent a lot of Saturday nights on the 3rd floor of Daerim. This Saturday was pasta night and Mason helped. On Sunday, we decided to make egg sandwiches for breakfast. Mason was telling me that his name is Orange all weekend, and I was Red apparently (from the Rainbow Friends who I am not too sure about yet in terms of the appropriateness of their content).

Late morning on Sunday, Mason’s grandfather called a lightning meeting. We made the trip to a fantastic seafood restaurant on the west coast of Korea, it was about 3 hours each way to the restaurant, but his Grandpa drove, so smooth sailing for me. 

Guess who Mason spotted at the rest stop? Orange (not the real guy but the stuffed animal). He refused to move until his Grandma caved in and bought it for him (KRW 18,000). It was a good road trip. We ate hotdogs at Shake Shack with HK on Monday night. I am full.

Learning the art
Mama Mia!
Good morning sleepy head
Ready to eat.
Incredible culinary
My fav
Handsome and cold couple.
Choco Goatee

Days of Thunder >>>

October 25, 2022

We headed to Everland Speedway for Mason’s first time at the races (mine too I think or maybe I went to a demolition derby once in Ohio as a kid). We made it into the pit (without bracelets) as a result of the power of having a kid and walking fast. Mason had a massive ice cream sundae and number 01 overtook 55 in the final laps for the win.

That night we BBQ’d at sadongree and the next morning was Mason’s first time ever at ice hockey practice. He did incredibly well and the coaches from Chadwick are awesome. He fell down like at least 50 times but never stopped trying to get up.

NHL (or Nascar) here we come.

Days of thunder.
a little shy with the first team.
part of the team.
so good.
first time in pads and on the ice.

Burgers and BBQ

October 15, 2022

Simple Satursday. No plan, so we decided to bbq – the burger adventure is documented below. Burgers were eaten by me, Mason, HK, Jae Hyung, Curly Hair 아저씨 and Im 아저씨.

We bought the ground round at Lotte Mart, added egg, mustard, spices, crushed crackers and created magic. Mason’s favorite part was mixing the meat monstrosity together with our hands (goopy, goopy!). Told me he wants to do “goopy, goopy” again this weekend. We also made wings and ribs later on in the day.

Mason and I co-contributed to our best painting yet of Lucario that afternoon. Making the most of the third floor at Daerim.

Ready to go.
No complaints.

10 year Anniversary

October 13, 2022

We traveled all the way from Gonjiam Resort to Novotel Suites Yongsan in 10 years.

There is no one I would have rather been with on the journey than my wife. She is beautiful, resilient, smart, tough, loving and tenacious. I have learned so much from her along the way. She will always hold my heart.

She also is the mother of my son, who we discovered on this trip, loves washing dishes (this will prove helpful) and still loves to play hide and seek. I was the diner at his imaginary restaurant last night and, of course, us 3 got to swim together this morning.

We had a memorable dinner in Yongsan (fastest service in the word) of skewers of beef, chicken and other delicacies. I love this city; in a way it has my heart too. HK brought breakfast, yogurt with granola, cereal and ice lattes.

I could not have had a better night (even though I feel asleep at 9:30 with our ‘Little Big Guy’) or have chosen a better partner for my journey through life.

Home Team.
We put him to work.
The view.
Us 3.
Us 2.
The morning after. (Wu Gui, “there are no accidents.”)

Rollerblading Dogs

October 08, 2022

Another weekend in paradise. Just kidding we were in Eecheon again.

I know there will be a day when Mason out-grows kids’ cafes, and since I am quite sentimental, I am trying to make the most of our time there before that day comes. Dodoram seems to be our Applebees, and luckily, they have a good setup if we are putting kids cafes to the fire.

Daerim may not have the interior that the high-rise apartments have across the street, but you can’t beat having a rooftop porch to bbq on that has views of basically the whole city, even if dilapidated. Mason and I relocated a “very cute” (according to Mason) yellow spider before we began rollerblading and hot dogging.

My Saturday swimming lessons have commenced, although Mason mostly prefers to evade my instruction by jogging away from me in the pool and singing “I’ll just run away, I’ll just run away.”

Trampoline Running.
We laughed so hard trying to rollerblade.
Hk’s Mom brought dogs.
Wolf Ball.
“Little Guy Pool,” located nearby the “Little Big Guy Pool.”


September 2022

I fell off a little bit from my weekly posts. And there is good reason to get back on track – you forget the little details that make posts interesting (to me) if you don’t write weekly.

Anyway, here are a few highlights from the month. We made some pokemon book marks at the officetel and also explored the park nearby. We have been wanting to visit that park for a while. We also visited the Korean War Museum in Yongsan – the best museum in Korea in my opinion. We ate the best Korean beef bbq I have ever had with HK and then hit the nearby brunch spot for some coffee and to play catch. Mason’s mom had to head to Dunkin Sunday night, but Mason and I finished the weekend with some water color paintings (2 solar systems, one ship in the ocean, and a rainbow.)

Epic Painting.
Warning: not as easy a project as it may appear.
Park near officetel.
Some exercise.
Classic memory.