Some sharks & the Tooth Fairy

January 7, 2024

After hockey and then Bas Burger for lunch with HK, Mason and I made it to the Lotte World Aquarium. Madhouse for sure, but to be expected on a Sunday. Mason really enjoyed it, especially the seal show, collecting stamps, and the new beluga whale (the old one died unfortunately.)

Tough time breaking free from the souvenir shop but I negotiated a toy at Lotte Mart instead and mason decided on a 5 pack of slime. Pizza for dinner at home and we both enjoyed the movie “Leo.”

Monday’s dentist visit produced a tooth, after the fastest pull out of all time by a very experienced dentist. Mason was thrilled to put it under his pillow and psyched when he found 5 dollars the next morning. HK has so happy that he was so happy.

world of wonder

most importantly – stamps

igloo man

feeding time

first one out

right before bed

so excited

Santa’s Return

Decemeber 25, 2023

This year we had a cozy Christmas at home, just the three of us. On Christmas Eve, we were supposed to play ice hockey but practice was canceled. I think Mason was happy about that. We watched the Buffalo Bills play in the morning and they beat the Chargers 24-22, a little too close for comfort, but I’ll take it.

Besides a trip to Lotte for some last minute shopping we stayed home and had wings and pizza. Before bed Mason asked me how Santa could get in since we don’t have a chimney, I said he knows magic, but Mason corrected me by saying he will probably use the veranda. Smart kid. 

Christmas morning Mason was up first and was so excited to see Santa had left some big presents. HK said she might have seen Santa in the hallway the night before. Nice touch. Mason’s drone and air hockey table were the highlights. Of course, I made biscuits and gravy and I will give myself a 6 out of 10 for the effort, but they still need work, nothing close to Uncle Ralphs.

the prep

santa’s snack

our humble tree

cookies gone

stocking time (skibidi)

mario legos

We’re Artsy

November 19, 2023

It was a nice fall Sunday for the three of us. Mason and all his classmates were absolutely thrilled about one of his friends birthday parties at a kids café in Lotte. After that we made our way to an art exhibit at Sofitel – after I got a quick haircut in the same building – really a barber shop with a great view of the lake. 

After art, we ate Thai which everyone enjoyed, maybe Mason enjoyed watching Bluey more in the booth than the pineapple rice dish he ordered though. HK and I were gluttons though, later ordering sashimi at home for dinner. Perfect fall weather and a day to remember.

a look of surprise

interesting i guess?

speed art goer

me and mom

the monday after

What a day!

November 4, 2023

It seems like a long time since we got back up to north Seoul. We took the subway to City Hall – Mason utilized his new Ali Express headphones I got him to make the travel time fly by. (kids songs = yankee doodle etc.)

City Hall area was packed with picture takers all along the palace walls as the weather was ideal. In fact, the weather this week in Seoul may be the best 7 days of weather of my life – just perfect.

Next stop was the Korean Bank Museum – which was very impressive architecturally. Mason was more concerned about collecting stamps across the museum’s floors which proved to be a good activity for him.

After the museum, we had a beer and Mason had some watermelon while we waited nearby for our Kalbi restaurant reservation to hit. It was worth the wait – a fantastic dinner and then after the subway ride back home, some late night popcorn and sashimi. 

A very good day.

whatchu looking at big guy
coffee shop shopping
the wanderers
taxi service
in the pursuit of more stamps
time for a short speech

True Fall

October 22, 2023

A fall day. Just of the 3 of us got to enjoy the fantastic weather in Seoul today.

Here is a quick recap of the day:

  • Breakfast in Eechon
  • Car ride to Seoul (Mason watched Bluey)
  • Rest of the day I’m Bluey’s Dad and he’s Bluey
  • Flag paintings
  • Kickboard to Mason’s soccer field
  • Rooftop beer and view of airshow (Shilla Stay)
  • Bought tickets to Sofitel air exhibit (unfortunately doesn’t open until November)
  • Pancake House
  • Bus home and bike riding in front of our apartment (mason can ride about 15 seconds alone now)
  • 101 Dalmatians in bed
home is where the art is
the colors

me and mom
shilla teddy

Kramer Lee

September 24, 2023

After a grueling Saturday ­– two words ­– root canal. Sunday got off to a better start. I headed off to the office early so I could get home before noon. We left for Kramer Lee to eat Texan BBQ soon after. HK loves the air in the mountains, as do I. The beer never hurts either.

We hit a small coffee shop where Mson enjoyed a a strawberry smoothie and HK and I shared an iced green tea latte – at a table looking over the stream. We were the only customers except for an old man and his obident dog who sat alone working on fixing a gold watch.

After heading back to Seoul – we had spaghetti at an outdoor restaurant near our home that was Brooklyn-esque. Mason wanted to hit Daiso to buy a big plastic hammer afterwards, but I negoitaed him to a deal where I would pick him up from school and we would take the bus the next day to make the needed purchase. A late night for a Sunday.

me and mom

me and dad

let her rip

there she goes

just the 3 of us

spaghetti and buds

Seoul is a Playground

September 16, 2023

One of the greatest joys of my life is hitting up playgrounds in Seoul with Mason. Seoul has so many playgrounds with character hidden all over the city. Today, Mason, HK and I had a great time that started with fench toast. We then wandered around our neighborhood’s playgrounds before heading to Lotte Gold for Shake Shack. That led us to a playground nearby backed up to a Mexican restaurant we like. It was a good spot for a rest. Mason kickboarded the whole way.

After splitting up, Mason and HK took the subway home (one stop) and I drove the car we had parked at Lotte after some quick shopping at Lotte Mart to clear our parking debt. I rejoined them for our last stop nearby our home, at hof that serves friend chicken on a platter Hong Kong style.

mason climbing

king of the hill

my heaven

popped up


Mangsang with Mason’s Mom

August 27, 2023

Got in the drink before it was too cool.

We left late Friday night after HK closed for the night. Arrived at the hotel around 12:30 with self-check-in. Mason loved the stairs, in fact, he said that was his favorite part of the whole trip! My better half and I loved the view. Although the rainfall shower wasn’t working properly.

The next morning had the best sangsung gui (grilled fish) of my life – four different types of fish. I had a beer and HK enjoyed the local Makoli. We found a small beach in between Donghae and Mangsang where we played in the ocean for a few hours. Then, hit the beach club at Mangsang, where Mason was quick to make friends and I convinced HK to stay another night. Mason’s plan to stay up all night – which he almost managed – until his folks had to call it a night.

Great pork bbq in the deep woods, a California inspired beach coffee shop on Sunday morning and, of course, the famous sauna at the Mansang Convention Center – where they checked Mason and my feet meticulously for sand before we could proceed inside. I will remember laying in the ocean with my eyes closed and seeing brilliant reds and oranges – peace at last.

A great weekend.

the best grilled fish ever
see mason likes it!
our setup
making friends near mansang’s beach bar
our room
the view
super rural pork belly bbq restaurant
homemade bean paste
cali inspired coffee shop and playground
swingset with a view
better halves
better hats

Last Call for Swimming

August 20, 2023

Korea’s outdoor swimming season last for about 2 months – July and August. This summer we have taken dips in our plastic pool at Sadongree and at Mangsang. 

But another pool we have been too twice now is Troy. Yep, and they have a giant wooden horse. Anyway between the kids slide pool, fully equipped with bubble machine gun – there’s also a large pool with makeshift cabanas down both sides. Mason and I arrived first and claimed a picnic table and shortly thereafter HK came. 

Mason’s highlight was meeting a friend whose family let Mason use a snorkel mask – first time I had seen one like this – but definitely a great design for little guys. Looks like I know what I need to buy next summer.

Unfortunately – not many pictures – guess that means we were having too much fun.

Friday morning with dad on the way to school
city kid taking the city bus to school
saturday morning math = pool buy-in
where’s waldo?
here he comes

Mansang 2023

July 1-2, 2023

We are back. Both with the blog and to Mangsang.

Unfortunately, HK had to work, so me and Mason had to turn the weekend into a guy’s trip. Rain was forecasted all weekend, but somehow, we managed to escape it.

We arrived Saturday early afternoon, after a long drive and hit the beach right away. Mason loved playing in the surf and watching the surfers. We checked into Golden and decided to eat samgyup at the BBQ setup the hotel provided. We bought our own pork from the corner store, but the party next to us was also nice enough to give Mason a pork chop for free. 

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to do fireworks on Saturday night, but we were up early Sunday and at the beach by 8am, after coffee, juice and a sandwich. Back to the hotel, then on to darts, pizza for lunch, and finally ended up at a beach down the road where we spent the afternoon playing in the water and under HK’s enormous golf umbrella. We closed the trip with a spa trip to clean up and had pork cutlets for dinner at the rest stop on the way home. Not a bad weekend.

home sweet home
pizza time
7 out of 8!
winner winner chicken dinner
surf’s up
private beach