Just the 3 of us

August 26, 2024

Mason took Thursday off from school so we could head up to the mountains for a night. The day before we had hit Cosco (although I went to the wrong one (Yangjae) initially), but eventually got there, to pick up some steaks for the trip.

We made it to Kramer Lee first for some of their smoked bbq and craft beer in the early afternoon. HK bought 24 cans for pick up the next day as well. Mason and I got to play catch outside for a little while, which was great. Of course, Mason also brought his remote control tank and ninja sword.

The small pension (hotel) was called The Still. We checked in at 3pm. It seemed like it was empty, but there were a few other guests apparently, who we never saw but did hear. The highlight was their pool, we played volleyball, but Mason’s favorite new pool game is him standing on my knees and then me launching him in the air.

We enjoyed bbq that night, which was incredible and got to bed fairly early as we were all exhausted. Mason and HK got the small bed and I roughed it on the floor. In the morning, Mason and I ventured down to the large nearby stream and climb across it on a line big rocks. I even took a dip. We stopped at a coffee shop too on in the area called 2Black – which had an incredible view but average baked goods. We were back in Seoul by noon, and I was off to the office while Mason and HK took a nap before heading out to Eecheon.

fresh air for city slickers



the pool

good spot for a rest




Seoul Zoo

August 25, 2024

A Sunday trip, that’s about an hour from Eechon. I wasn’t expecting much, but this Zoo was much bigger than I had imagined. When parking we saw a Taekwondo bus and Mason was full of questions on why that group had come to the zoo together as a group. Buying tickets was easy, and the elephant train took us right to the entrance.

We weaved our way through their grounds, with highlights of seeing an elephant getting his feet washed and catching a tiger jump out of his outdoor pool to run back inside. The chimp swinging from rope to rope was Mason’s favorite and I don’t either of us were that thrilled to walk through the snake section. The had a little stream that we played in near the elephant slide too.

17,000 KRW for a Pokémon balloon seemed excessive so we settled on a ninja sword. Taking the sky lift back down the mountain was fun and we got an overhead view of a beautiful park that was deserted – will be great place for our next visit to hang out at. Once we got home, HK had had made us hamburgers. 

I don’t think I will ever forget this day – uneventful but memorable at the same time. Please don’t grow up too fast Mason, I fear the days you will no longer be interested in spending the day at the zoo with your old man.

see the giraffe?

foot bath

coolest slide ever

walkign stick

rest spot



Trampolines Galore

August 17, 2024

A very hot Saturday afternoon – one of those days that it takes the car about 10 minutes to cool down. Mason and I hit the highway from Grandma’s house and for what was about a 45 minute ride. Although we did delay our arrival to our destination by stopping for lunch at a rest stop,  it worked out perfectly, as the traffic had subsided during our quick break. Mason of course bought a plastic robot from a vending machine that can fit together with more robots, meaning more purchases will be needed in the future.

To get to the trampoline park (Vaunce), which was located inside a massive golf resort, we had to weave our way up a mountain road that was hugged by dozens of golf holes. I have to say that out of all the kids cafes we have been too, this one takes the cake and was perfect for Mason’s age group. He bounced, built a Lego boat and did some practice runs with it, played air hockey, made it up a ramp, went down slides and climbed walls. Afterwards, we went to the arcade and enjoyed cotton candy. Mason was disappointed because near the playground there were kid-sized excavators that allows them to dig up rocks, but after getting some change, we found out they were all broken. 

Back to Grandma’s where I made pork barbeque outside – which resulted in everyone’s nod of approval.

lunch time

finally here

floating orb

bounce at Vance

mason’s fav

testing hypotheses

mr. cool

ripping it up

Boracay 2024

July 2-11, 2024

This was Mason’s first time on an airplane and his first trip abroad. Definitely a big life event. Instead of giving a full run-down, I will write down my top 10 insights.

  1. Mason is learning to swim. Swimming underwater, in my opinion, is the first step, and he made big strides on this trip.
  2. A cash based society is so much more stressful than a cashless one.
  3. Our hotel had the best pool I have ever been in – hands down.
  4. HK is a great mom – she knows exactly what to do and say at every moment.
  5. Our family’s scooter trip touring the island was a highlight, but getting up that hill to our hotel was no easy feat.
  6. Sunset sailing with Mason and HK is an unforgettable memory.
  7. Mason loved feeding stray dogs that begged at our tables (Honey and Olivia)
  8. Movenpick was an old school, all day, nostalgic pool day – memories of my childhood
  9. Foot massages!
  10. Monkey bar was so relaxing – opposite of white beach.
bags packed

ready to go


cheers we’re here


smoothie madness

sun (not shell) villa

sunny side Up

best pool ever


cheapest and best meal

Mangsang 2024

June 8, 2024

Time for our annual boys trip to Mansang Beach. We got an early start from Eechon, left a little after 7, so an easy 2 hour drive there. Unfortunately, Saturday was rainy, windy and kind of cold. We made it about 2 hours at the beach before packing it in for an early check in and de-sanding shower at our motel. We then hit up the local mart for bbq supplies and headed to a beach bar for pizza. Mason made a friend who he helped make a moat.

Dinner was bbq just outside the hotel – where we met some friends – who we headed with to the beach with for darts and fireworks. Mason won a small dart gun and then we ate ice cream with this crew on the way home at the convenience store. And of course, it was my birthday.

The next morning we were up early to the beach – where we saw a baby shark – incredible. Then to the convention center for the indoor pool and sauna. Hit the beach with the playground where we tried to get the kite going – no such luck. But then hamburgers at Disco Burger and an uneventful ride home. Mason sleep almost the whole way.  Basically the same exact trip as last year. : )

on the way

staying safe


surf’s up

still stuck

sunday breaky

dart (day 2) prize

chocolate at disco

Everland 2024

May 18, 2024

Everland was busy today. We bought tickets 15 minutes after we they opened (note to self Q pass next time) and still could not get reservations for the main attractions. Not a lot of time for pictures but a few below.

Cable cars to the arcade for some air hockey to ice cream to the huge jungle gym to the popping chairs to pizza for lunch to the flying elephants to German Village for a churro and an adult beverage (where 2 people dropped their ice cream cones) to the block playground to talking parrots, chimpanzees and baboons to tiger feeding time to the ski lift to sugar covered strawberries and then an up-and-down bus ride to a different ski lift and back then on the bus to the parking lot.

That’s it in the nutshell. Mason and I picked the swinging chimps as our highlight (but I really think he liked the talking parrots best).

first ride

full of energy

on the way to the slide

dino hunting

our fav

ready for a battle

might be last year for this one

Mason’s Sixth

April 23, 2024

We were Garfield themed, courtesy of Dunkin Donuts. My friend Paul, who actually runs a school for kids this aged, came by to lend his support for the festivities. Mason invited the boys from his kindergarten class, and they were a handful. I have never seen so many Legos given to anyone in my life, but Mason’s favorite gift was the one from his Mom and I ­– a nerf gun.

HK prepared tons of food and I worked pretty hard on the gift bags, filled with rubber band guns, sticky hands, cameraman figures and other toys. We made our way to the badminton court to play some water balloon games and corn hole, but mainly the kids played with the rubber band guns. At the playground we played monster and only one kid cried (as a result of a traffic jam on the rope walk). But he recovered quickly.

Overall – awesome experience – can’t help but give HK and I pats on the back.


uncle Paul

corn hole

the aftermath

our playground

so much food

The Arrival of Spring (Welcome)

March 24, 2024

Spring has started. It is always nice to wake up together on a Sunday – as there was no hockey practice today. We got the chance to read a book in bed, have a leisurely breakfast and then hit the playground.

One the way, we stopped for a little putting practice. And once HK showed up, we then hit the greens again for a putting contest. 

After that we had Baskin Robbins and then pizza, spaghetti and some beer. HK bought some pork from the butcher next door and then Mason and I broke off to go bowling. The lanes were packed – so we hit Daiso instead and bought a Velcro ball game that we played at 2 Slides where Mason made 2 new friends, an 8 year Hyung who loved to speak English and a little girl Mason’s age who was chasing him to tickle. Mason and the little girl also argued over whether the velcro ball should be thrown underhand or overhand.

HK had left us dinner at home – grilled pork belly. Playground days are my favorite days.

story time

all day i dream about sports

mason woods

on the look out

old people stuff

i scream


A Birthday Road Trip

March 9, 2024

Late Thursday night we decided to make a trip to the East Coast of Korea to celebrate Mason’s Mom’s birthday. We left Seoul around 10 am and enjoyed a hip hop DJ via YouTube (Japanese DJ) along the way. HK also had prepared some salmon sandwiches, so there was no reason to stop for food.

We arrived in Yang Yang, hit the local mart, the beach for some seashells, and then a little café that had a house cat – Mason liked her. HK a kalua and milk, me a beer and Mason an orange juice. 

We stayed at the Carallo by Josun – very nice hotel – with a lot of pop art paintings. The room was fantastic and Mason and I made about 8 trips to the ice machine. The outdoor pool was great – heated so even on a chilly day in early March we could swim. And swim we did. In the afternoon, the evening, and the next morning. There was a brief episode where Mason went under for a few seconds that reminded me – he still can’t swim – but eventually I taught him how to stop plugging his nose underwater and he learned to touch the bottom of the pool with his hand – progress.

We ate the buffet (plus all you can drink wine, beer and highballs) at the hotel for dinner. They had some good chicken covered in black (soy?) sauce and decent pasta. Mason enjoyed the pineapple the most. After dinner, we hung out in the room, but everyone was pretty exhausted.

The next morning, Mason used all the pillows in the room to make a blockade at the stairs, which also served as a fort for his morning breakfast. We played his favorite game too, me dropping his penguin from the second floor and him trying to catch it.

The next day, HKs birthday, after leaving the hotel, we hit a beach restaurant that had awesome views of the surf and surfers for some fried shrimp and seafood. I drove us back to Seoul while my passengers slept. HK went to Dunkin that evening, where her employees surprised her with a delicious cheesecake that they had decorated with a picture of her in icing. A pretty good b-day for HK.

surf cafe
how u doin
our arrival
pop kid
special delivery
scary clown
pool play
breakfast in fort
penguin nap

American Food (in Korea)

January 20, 2024

It was a cold weekend, but I managed to get up and get to the gym in Eechon for some exercise. When I got back to Sadongrhee, Mason and my mother-in-law were ready to go for brunch. This little place, surprising empty today, has great food. Us three, were able to devour every piece of these 4 meals. 

Later in the day Mason and I played, he hunted me with his bow and arrow as plungerman. We also bought two canvases from a nearby store to paint skibidi guys on, although Mason cried on the way home because I didn’t buy a toy helicopter, he made me agree to buy it next weekend. Later in the evening I played screen golf with HK and her Dad (JH canceled on us) and I won!


the hunter

staff suprised i snapped this one i guess

deep in discussion

a lot of food